"We have so many memories and stories that I can't even begin to write. We have been laughing and reminiscing since we left the canyon.
The awe-inspiring venue combined with comaraderie of the staff and participants (serious to silly) made every aspect of the trip leaving us wanting to return again next Spring.
Unexpected Aspects?
– Being read stories and told jokes by 'Ambassador Ted' & Matt as we went down the river.
– Coming to the oasis in the middle of the narrows where time had built a natural patio.
– Hiking into other narrows and chilling to a guitar & song in the natural acoustics of the canyon walls.
-The circular rainbow that followed me at one of the waterfalls.
-BUT, I have to admit that the facial and hand treatment in the purest blue, natural healing waters of Havasu Creek were absolutely a treat along the hike that day.
These are only a few things. I could go on and on 🙂"
— Renee Pickard
Passenger on a Lower Canyon motorized trip in 2013
Photo: Renee, fellow passengers and guides relax at Havasu Creek.