Sunscreen is one of your absolute necessities on a Colorado River river trip — you do not want to be caught under that Arizona sun without some powerful stuff. Water-resistant, broad-spectrum, and at least SPF 30 is the way to go and you’ll want to re-apply liberally throughout the day. Chapstick with SPF is also key on river trips, even if it isn’t part of your regular sun protection routine.
While it can make for some interesting tan lines, don’t overlook screening the tops of your feet – between your sandal straps. Other often-missed locales include the back of your neck, the tops of your hands, and your ears.
Spray sunscreen might sound convenient but often it sprays the inside of your day bag, more than your body. Besides being messy and leaking, the spray sunscreens have another possible disadvantage: Your fellow passengers and guides probably won’t be too crazy about inhaling your spray as you meander downstream. So do everyone, including yourself, a favor and bring strong sunscreen lotion, not spray, on your trip!