The Grand Canyon is a source of inspiration for many, meaning there is no shortage of literature about it! We’ve put together a list of some staff favorites for you to read before your trip. The following books focus on river running through the canyon and are sure to add a whole new perspective to your Grand Canyon adventure!
The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon by Kevin Fedarko
This action-packed historical novel is a double whammy: It details blunders and outrageous details of the infamous 1983 flood in the Grand Canyon and chronicles the journey of three fascinating boatmen who took that opportunity to break the record for the fastest boat ride down the entire length of the Grand Canyon. Fedarko’s brilliant writing will bring you right into the heart of the Grand Canyon alongside the boatmen.
There’s This River by Christa Sadler
A boatman favorite, this collection of entertaining short stories is told entirely by the river guiding community of the Grand Canyon. These true tales tell the personal stories of a lifestyle and a unique community, all set in a breathtaking, wondrous place you will come to know intimately.
Sunk Without A Sound: The Tragic Colorado River Honeymoon of Glen and Bessie Hyde by Brad Dimock
A captivating and well-researched story by Dimock that covers the mysterious disappearance of Glen and Bessie Hyde. The Hyde’s vanished without a trace in 1928 on their honeymoon river trip through the Grand Canyon. Dimock recreates their harrowing journey in an attempt to piece together the truth. The result is a riveting tale that will take you into the depths of the Grand Canyon on a wild ride.
The Doing of the Thing: The Brief, Brilliant Whitewater Career of Buzz Holmstrom by Welch, Conley and Dimock
This one just might make you cry. The biography of Buzz Holmstrom, the first person to run the Green and Colorado Rivers alone, from the headwaters to the Hoover Dam! Holmstrom built his own wooden boats and ran several of the country’s great whitewater rivers solo. He was humble and believed the Colorado “has never been conquered, and never will … anyone who it allows to go through its canyons & see its wonders should feel thankful & privileged.”
The Very Hard Way: Bert Loper and the Colorado River by Brad Dimock
Another historical novel by Dimock. This book tells the story of Bert Loper, the Grand Old Man of the Colorado. You’d be hard pressed to find someone either before or since who was more devoted to the river than Bert Loper. He has become something of a river runner legend, and for good reason. According to Dimock, “[Loper] was a salt-of-the-earth, homegrown, very poor, very hard-working American who, in spite of poverty, no education and no family, found what he wanted and followed his dream.”
Belknap Waterproof Guide Book
The waterproof Grand Canyon River Guide by Belknap features geology, history, maps and photos of the canyon. A great guide to accompany you on your trip.
River to Rim by Nancy Brian
River to Rim tells the stories of rapids, temples, and points in the Grand Canyon: who named what and when, quotations from explorers, names given by tourists and river runners, and the events that gave rise to the place names. Whether you are viewing the scenery from the rim, running the river, or hiking the trails, here are the stories of over 600 place names along 300 miles of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon on a mile-by-mile sequence. Names are indexed and tied to a bibliography of over 200 entries.
Happy Reading!