What sight is as rare as a unicorn and more exciting than a hole-in-one?
-Spotting the Google Maps car
Have you ever wondered how they got a picture of your house on Google Maps without you spotting them? Like bigfoot, Google sightings are often shrouded in doubt and only evidenced by a blurry picture — maybe the picture is of your friend’s house with an indistinguishable white blob in the front yard. Your friend claims he was out mowing the lawn when he saw the Google Maps car, but his story is dicey at best — so you remain skeptical.
Skeptics beware — here at Grand Canyon Whitewater, we are proud to announce that we have finally spotted Google! Last rafting season, Google approached our sister company, Arizona River Runners, with an unusual request. Google wanted to map the inside of Grand Canyon. Equipped with two ARR rafts, two super cameras, and a crew of Google employees, Arizona River Runners guided the expedition that can now be seen from a point-of-view perspective on Google Maps.
Whether you have rafted the Colorado River before or not, we encourage you to take a look and see if you can picture yourself exploring the heart of the Canyon with Grand Canyon Whitewater this season!
We still have trips available for 2014 and will start booking for 2015 soon!
– Evan