I went on a 13-Day Oar-Powered rafting adventure on the Colorado River with an incredible group of people. The trip was made up of perfect strangers from all walks of life and from all over the world. Everyone had just two things in common, a spirit of adventure and the desire to go on a rafting trip. It was amazing to see how quickly these folks, myself and the guides all melded into one big family. It was an incredible experience, as are most experiences rafting the Grand Canyon! People no longer act how they “should,” they are just themselves at their very best. Fancy-schmancy titles mean nothing, everybody gets along despite differences in lifestyles, age, marital status, life is simple and just plain fun. There were people from the East Coast, people from out West, a man from Brazil, and a man who’s work in Africa!
There was an older woman I really connected with, she was such a great spirit. She was by herself, her friends were reluctant to join her. She had tried to encourage them for years but to no avail, so she finally decided to just “go for it” s-o-l-o. From day one, she was right up in the front of the boat, acting like a mermaid on the front taking the brunt of all the waves. She loved it! She left the trip with awesome memories and took LOADS of photos to show her colleagues what they had missed by not stepping up and saying “YES! I want to go on a Grand Canyon rafting trip!”
I run into spirits like hers on many Colorado River trips, and am always refreshed and in such admiration of people like her. They know what they want to do and at some point they just go for it, regardless of fears, inhibitions or not having someone to join them. I hope to be like her throughout my life.
Are you wanting to go on a white water raft trip? Your family and friends reluctant? Who says you have to go with someone? You will meet so many people on a rafting trip. Call Grand Canyon Whitewater and see for yourself! 1-800-343-3121