Grand Canyon Whitewater guide Brock has been rafting the Colorado River since 1997! If home is where the heart is, then Brock’s home is in the Canyon, on the river, and with the people these two elements draw in and bring together.
Here’s his story, in his own words:
“Northern Arizona University brought me to the state of Arizona from San Diego. Upon graduation, I started working with ‘at-risk’ youth in wilderness settings and running rivers of the southwest. Working with the youth gave me my first Grand Canyon rafting experience in 1997.
After a few years running commercially on other rivers, I graduated to the Grand Canyon. I really enjoy the variety of operating both motorized and oar-powered boats through the Canyon; every trip is so unique. Now, calling Flagstaff, Ariz. home, I could not imagine my life without Grand Canyon. The community I’ve found with Grand Canyon Whitewater has me looking forward to many more great trips.”