The rafting season is officially over and one might be wondering… what does Grand Canyon Whitewater do in the off-season anyway?
Well, you might be surprised but the the answer is A LOT!
Our rafting operation has two big sections, the warehouse and the office.
The main focus for the warehouse in the off-season is to clean, refurbish, repair and purchase new equipment for the upcoming season. As you can imagine, our equipment endures plenty of wear and tear in the bottom of the Grand Canyon so keeping up on maintenance is priority number one.
The office staff gets busy working on our trip specific info packets that will be sent out after the first of the year. These packets are 12-13 pages and go through every little detail that guests will need to know for their river trip. This is quite the time-consuming project as changes and updates are needed every year! The office will also update and fine tune other paperwork, the website, and our reservation system.
So I think you’re getting the hint: we do keep plenty busy throughout the year with lots of things that are behind the scenes!