People come from far away countries and far away states to raft the Colorado River within the walls of the Grand Canyon. They come from different continents and different hemispheres. It’s your luck to meet up with others from far away to come together with the common goal of having as much fun and adventure as humanly possible during your time together in the Grand Canyon.
Rafting with Grand Canyon Whitewater gives you time and opportunity to get to know everybody on your trip. You have no interference from electronics or busy schedules or daily obligations. You’re all there, in the canyon to explore, and that includes your fellow rafters as much as it includes the sights and sounds of the Grand Canyon.
They may be 80 years old or 12. Maybe your trip includes some teenagers or maybe grandparents. You’re all on a level playing field. It’s time to mingle and grab all the gusto you can. Help each other along, and enjoy everything about everybody and everything around you. The people you meet, the friends you make, make this an open ended adventure.
It’s true. Contact Grand Canyon Whitewater or call us for your Grand Canyon adventure, 1-800-343-3121