I wish you could hear all the comments from people that have rafted with GRAND CANYON WHITEWATER. They’ll make you want to get out there and line up a white water raft trip for yourself or your family. Comments are often inspiring…sometimes hilarious…..often profound and sometimes even unexpected.
Reactions from people are consistently positive and very supportive. Often people embark on a trip with certain expectations but are surprised that their most memorable aspect was something they hadn’t even thought about.
We read comments like these:
"Best family vacation ever"
"Trip of a lifetime"
"Exceeded all my expectations"
"At first I thought it was expensive. But having rafted for a week I’d say it’s a real bargain"
"Thank you for making this possible"
"The guides are amazing in so many ways"
"Words and photos cannot do justice"
"We all quickly became like a family"
"Everybody should do this"
I’m not making this up. These are common comments from GRAND CANYON WHITEWATER rafters.
The Grand Canyon provides an awesome stage for so many great experiences for you and your friends and family. The scenery is mind boggling. You can hike and climb while you’re down there. Photo opportunities abound day and night. This is a time to unplug and to reconnect with your family. Laughter can be contagious and Mother Nature provides unparalleled scenarios to challenge you and showcase you as a conqueror. You emerge as a triumphant survivor. Total strangers develop into lifelong friends.
We, at GRAND CANYON WHITEWATER enjoy your comments and all your feedback. Your reactions to your Grand Canyon rafting trip are always welcomed.
One rafter said…"anybody that is thinking about doing this should just sign up and get out there. Quit wasting time"