"All the river guides were so helpful, watchful and concerned throughout the Grand Canyon expedition. They were constantly telling stories and providing history and geological information – we had plenty of impromptu mid-river lecture breaks!
All the sleeping gear was brand new and really nice and I loved the meals. The salmon for dinner was great and so were the sandwiches with avocado for lunch! Oranges and salty snacks were provided and welcome anytime and the lemonade was a nice alternative to water.
Sleeping under the very bright moon was difficulty the first night. Even so, I was worn out at the end of every day of the rafting tour and falling asleep under that moon in my comfy cocoon each night was one of my greatest pleasures.
I’ve been in really cold water before and was paralyzed by the cold, so I was worried about ending up in the water. The guides were SO reassuring though and, as I observed their skill and care, I no longer worried about it. They even took extra care to keep me as dry as they could because I was suffering from a cold throughout the trip.
I was so impressed by the Grand Canyon Whitewater guides’ attention to hygiene. I was particularly concerned that my cold should not be spread to anyone else in the party. Hand washing was constantly encouraged and even monitored. I thoroughly approve of this practice. And the toilet facilities were expertly handled, convenient and as private as the guides could make them. I would rate the trip a 10 out of 10 it was great, I wouldn’t have missed it!"
–Marilyn Thomas
Passenger in April 2011 on a 6 Day Upper Oar-Powered Rafting Trip with Hike Out