Embarking on a Grand Canyon river trip can be a daunting prospect for many, especially those who have never experienced such an adventure before. Some aren’t strong swimmers, never camped, are concerned about the heat, how to go to the bathroom, or are worried about being out of shape or limited medically. Postponing a dream trip due to work or family obligations is another common dilemma. However, it’s important to recognize that a journey through the Grand Canyon offers unparalleled rewards and experiences that often outweigh any initial concerns.
To make your dream trip a reality, consider the following tips:
Plan Ahead: Start planning early to accommodate work schedules and family commitments. Use vacation days strategically and communicate your schedule well in advance. When you share your excitement with family and friends, you may inspire them to join you on the trip!
Budget Wisely: Booking your trip early gives time to set aside a little each month. You also benefit from early pricing on flights, hotels, or other travel arrangements that you need to make. You will also have time to shop for deals on any gear you may need to purchase.
Prioritize Health: Address medical concerns with your doctor and start a fitness routine to get in shape so you can fully take advantage of your time in the Grand Canyon. Invest in trip insurance for peace of mind.
Seek Support: Involve family or friends in planning or, better yet, bring them along. Your group will help one another as you learn to live the river life. Traveling solo? No problem. Our guides are happy to lend a hand and usually other guests are as well.
Ask Questions: Reach out to us before your trip in whatever way is most comfortable and convenient for you. Read our FAQs and our blogs. During your trip, the guides are available anytime to answer questions, including more private conversations regarding sensitive topics if necessary.
Take the Plunge!
If a Grand Canyon river trip has been a dream of yours, there’s no reason to delay. The canyon’s beauty, the expertise of guides, the opportunity for personal growth, and the chance to create unforgettable memories all await you. Embrace the adventure, conquer any fears, and immerse yourself in one of the world’s most magnificent natural wonders.
We encourage you to talk to one of us before booking. The GCW office staff members have been on many river trips with our partners, parents, children, close friends, and extended family. We have seen what the Grand Canyon means to different people, and every question is important. We are here to help you navigate this great adventure, and like many things in life, some of the things we worry about the most, turn out to be not such a big deal after all.
Marla, a recent river trip guest, summed it up best in a top 10 list.
Things that surprised me:
1. Sleeping under the stars is magnificent.
2. Living in close proximity with two dozen strangers for a week was fun and rewarding.
3. Rafting and camping is a team sport and we were blessed with an AMAZING team.
4. Self care and hygiene wasn’t AS challenging as I first thought it would be.
5. Privacy is not taken..it’s given.
6. Standing in line to use the same “toilet” in the woods was not as awkward as I imagined it should be.
7. 110 degrees is tolerable in full rain gear when you’re sitting in the front of the raft frequently being soaked by 54 degree water…conversely, sitting in the front WITHOUT this gear is surprisingly BONE CHILLING.
8. Shade is a luxury.
9. Some experiences are worth getting very uncomfortable.
10. Bonds with strangers can develop quickly through shared challenges and experiences.