Me and my son on his first ever Grand Canyon river trip. A father and son bonding moment, I’ll never forget.
Grand Canyon Whitewater is an incredible place to be. Our employees are loved, we’re empowered to make decisions, and we feel part of a greater goal. Those good vibes flow directly down to you – the guest (we don’t call people who go on our trips customers; you’re more than that).
It all starts with our ownership. Bruce Winter and Bill Gloecker started guiding back in the 1970s and were able to scrape together enough cash to buy their first rafting company in 1986. In 2010, they were able to get the contract for Diamond River Adventures and renamed it Grand Canyon Whitewater. They’ve set the tone, and now we run with it. Bruce, who ran the office side of the business for years, is known for his calm, easygoing demeanor. Always finding solutions that help everyone. My favorite quote from Bruce is: “If it is good for the guides, good for the guests, and good for the office – then let’s do it.” That’s how he looks at most situations.
Bruce and Bill are known for having minimal turnover in their business. One reason is that they give the guides and office staff an incredible profit share directly into our retirement accounts every year. They are one of the few Grand Canyon outfitters to offer a retirement plan to their seasonal guides – really, unheard of in the guiding industry.
I also love how intimately involved we are in making sure that our guests are ready and dialed in for their trips. If you call the office, you aren’t being sent to a call center; you’ll get one of us. Amanda, Krystal, Nick, Brannon, Marie, or I will answer the phone, answer your questions, and help you feel ready for your Grand Canyon River trip. We’re real people!! We pride ourselves on making connections and personal touches during your booking process. I think that’s pretty awesome.
Finally, we get to go on river trips! We are all encouraged to go on at least one Grand Canyon river trip per year. Not only is it a cool perk of the job (I’m sitting at 20+ trips so far!), but it is also a great way to connect with the guides, talk with the guests, and have some fun.
I’m passionate about Grand Canyon Whitewater, and anyone who knows me will vouch for that. I’m stoked to work for GCW because they really do take care of us, and it 100% trickles down to you. You can hear it on the phone and feel it in the emails we send. We care. And I hope that we can take care of you on your trip. See you on the water!