“I really loved the hiking we were able to do. One day we hiked up a side canyon through a stream to get to a pool. We had done a short hike to a pool before and it ended up being dry, so I wasn’t expecting much. We arrived after a brutal 3 miles in the sun to a small pool full of slimly green algae. it was pretty disheartening. A small group went hiking above the pool to see what they could find. Before long I heard screaming and splashing up above. I raced up the canyon to find a huge pool of crystal clear water. Whispering falls or spring I think it was called. Words can hardly describe this place. It was so beautiful it almost seemed fake. After that moment I never doubted the knowledge of our guides..nor the beauty the Canyon has to offer. The guides, Jeff, Ted and Brie, are awesome human beings. We were so lucky to have them. Ted should get his own boat and they should all be paid double for their hard work. Ted, in particular, was super knowledgeable and was willing to share info about geology and stories about the river. He even read us poems and stories about the Canyon while we floated. What an awesome experience. I learned so much.”
If I could change anything? Make it last forever.
–Jack from Piedmont CA Age 21
Passenger on a Hiker’s Special 10-day Motorized Grand Canyon Rafting Trip in June 2012